I have an issue when I see something fake or unauthentic, especially when it comes to people who either fool or BS me or others.

What triggered me to write this post was one person in my network, who was a regular poster and a very active member. One day, I saw a post from them that said something like: “The most satisfying thing about starting a new job is logging out of LinkedIn and feeling grateful that you don’t have to check it for a while.” They also disabled comments.

I mean… that person sold advice, highlighted successes, commented everywhere, and when they got what they wanted - they simply left? Why on earth are we doing such things to ourselves? Why do we post things like this when we feel it’s wrong and doesn’t contribute to anything good? Why do we use “fake it till you make it” in business? I’m being naive, I know, but I want to trust people and be positively surprised when someone tells me, “I’ve never done it, but I’ll do my best,” rather than being disappointed by the results of shiny marketing and “of course I can do it, I’m so good at this” and then experiencing failure.

As I don’t want to leave this post in a disappointing tone, I’ll also share a positive example from my colleague Paweł, who recently wrote the following:

While writing these Notes, I noticed something disturbing - I’m scared of being authentic. Which is ironic, given that I chose authenticity as a core value for Explorer’s Studio. My first instinct is still to show my work and myself from an angle that I think would be most “beneficial.” That’s when I realized how much unlearning I need to do. In the last 10+ years, I functioned in roles that are somehow poisoned by the notion that it’s okay to color reality. Some level of bullshitting became so normalized that I accepted it without question. After so many years, I’m now wired that way. It’s like a reflex - make things look better, smoother, more advanced than they are.

Full article here: https://yarmocovich.substack.com/p/unlearning-to-be-authentic.

It reminded me that you don’t have to fake things and fool others, there’s a better way - staying authentic!

That’s also why I like my blog: I can write whatever I want, I don’t have to do anything just to please anyone! I don’t want to ever say that I’m pleased to stop BSing anyone! I’d rather stay silent 🙊