Uploading Files to Fly.io Using scp
Recently, I’ve started building an API which should serve as my personal API. The project is hosted on Github, and you might take a look if you want. It’s connected tightly to this blog and one of the features that I wanted to implement first, was to provide links for my linklog. You can read the entire story in the previous post. The stack I have there is pretty simple:
- Fly.io for hosting
- Sinatra (Ruby) for the API
I’ll cut it short: at some point I needed to send a file from my computer to the server hosting my application. It wasn’t that straightforward, so I decided to write a post about it and help others who might be in the same situation.
Here’s what you need to exchange files between your computer and the server:
Disclaimer: I’m using MacOS, so the commands might be different on other systems.
Assumptions: you have a Fly.io account and you have a project deployed. You also have a fly
or flytcl
command available in the terminal
flyctl wireguard create
– this will create a Wireguard configuration file for you. If you don’t have Wireguard installed, you can download it from here. Use the generated configuration file to connect to the Wireguard server.fly ssh issue
– this will generate a new SSH key for you. You can use it to connect to your server. Save it somewhere, e.g.tmp/flycert
, you’ll need it later.- Get address of your app:
flyctl ips private
– this will give you the address of your app. You can use it to connect to your server. scp -i tmp/flycert LOCAL_SOURCE root@\[ADDRESS\]:REMOTE_DESTINATION
– this will copy the file from your computer to the server. You can use it to upload files to your server. Escaping the address is important –\[
That’s it! You can use the same command to download files from your server. Just change the order of the arguments.