Famous or seen?
The other day, a friend of mine shared an exciting moment—they received a ♡ from a very famous person on Twitter/X. Given their current follower count and reach, this was quite a thing! It made him proud to be noticed by someone he “follows” (someone I respect too, for that matter).
And honestly, it made me happy as well! I hold my friend, and their contributions, in such high regard – so such recognition shouldn’t come as surprise:)
On the very same day, I had a small yet meaningful moment of my own. I finally submitted a Pull Request to the Hugo Theme Terminal repository, a theme lovingly crafted by Radek aka panr, someone whose work I’ve been using since the very start of my blog! A few minutes later, my PR was merged, and it came with a short but wonderful comment:

It genuinely made my day – a kind gesture that didn’t take much effort but meant a lot. It’s a good reminder that simple acts of acknowledgment can have a big impact.
It got me thinking – beyond all the noise of likes, followers, and algorithms, there’s still a valuable side to social media and the internet. These tools can let us be kind to each other, see and appreciate each other’s contributions, and, sometimes, make someone feel “seen” 👀. I’m not saying we all need this, but for a person like me – it’s definitely a nice thing!
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