Hello Hugo!
So… Last night I had this idea of changing one more thing in my setup and that was to move my site from Wordpress to Hugo. For a few last days I had been thinking about it and I was really curious how it would work out. I had a few things in mind that I wanted to achieve with this change:
- migrate away from my hosting provider and reduce costs
- have a static site that I can host anywhere (Github Pages included)
- have a site that is easy to maintain and update
- have a way to write posts in Markdown
- have a feeling of doing something new and exciting
- have a site that is fast and lightweight
- being able to write posts in my favorite editor (currently VS Code, as my Vim muscle memory faded away a bit)
- do something “hackish” and fun
Here we are! I’m happy with the result! There are a few things that I’d like to introduce, like light/dark theme switcher or a better way of handling images, but I’ll get to that later.
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