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Found someone who articulated my thoughts on sharing and social media better than I could.

You probably shouldn’t be worried about an audience at all. Write. Paint. Draw. Create. Put it out into the world and let it go. Maybe it will change the world. Maybe it might change the mind of a single person. Perhaps after all your effort it won’t be noticed at all.

All of that isn’t as important as creating.

Since the beginning of the year, I feel like I’m discovering the Internet once again and I’m enjoying the journey. RSS, Mastodon, open APIs, discovering new people and their work… all of this is very rewarding.

The internet should be about exploring and novelty. When I was younger, I remember the thrill at finding a new author at the library or a book store. For a short time, the internet was like that as well. I am on Mastodon not because I want to “build my brand” or “expand my audience” but because there are so many people in the world that are smart, funny, and creative, and I want to see what they have done

Heh, the more I write here, the more I want to learn CSS 🙈.

February Summary

Another month has passed and it’s time to summarize it. We had a little holiday in Kraków with the family. Hard to call it a regeneration but still, it was nice to spend some time together. We had a nice whether, including -10°C during the day. Highlights: Wieliczka, Wawel, Muzeum Iluzji, Pałac Krzysztofory, Wesoła Cafe, AleKlocki. During the Kraków visit, I had a chance to experience the BMW 3 series for the first time in the 370+HP version and explore the city with my guide D.
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Uses Page Is Up

I always wanted to share more about how do I work. I really like the idea of uses page and I’m happy to have one, too! The first experiment back in the day was my workspace page – a lot of people actually asked me about some details and recommendations. Thanks to these recommendations, my colleagues were able to save some time and (HOPEFULLY!) improve their work environment. Why? Because when I explore peoples’ pages, I can learn a lot about them and how do they work.
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Exploring WWW

I’ve recently realized that my habits for interacting with World Wide Web changed over time. Here’s how I spend my time, consume the content and communicate in the internet.
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January was NICE

Here are some of things that were with me in January. A few tools and a few observations I have made recently. I’m writing about Arc browser, Mastodon and social.lol.
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Hello Hugo!

So… Last night I had this idea of changing one more thing in my setup and that was to move my site from Wordpress to Hugo.
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